About us


The Globus College vision is to offer quality education and research in the field of international economy and business in providing entirely accomplished professionals for management of the international modern business in the XXI century.


The College of International Management “Globus” is a center of higher education in Kosovo in the fields of international economic sciences competitive with the regional countries and broader, with experienced staff in the prestigious local and foreign universities, with modern management which is ready to accept the challenges acquired by the modern education and scientific research on business and management for international business and sufficient abilities of professional enhancement in accordance with requirements and standards of the domestic and international labor market.

Mission pillars:

  1. Teaching

Globus College is a higher education center, which offers university programs in the field of the economy with an international character. The component of teaching in Globus College is based on and in line with the requirements of the applicable legislation, and at the same time is based on best practices, mostly international practices. The main purpose in the teaching area is to transmit to the student as qualitative and as contemporary information in all learning disciplines in both theory and practice, by completing the cycle (information-knowledge-learning-abilities and skills-competences).

  1. Research

In this component, the mission has been changed according to the requirements set by the KAA standards. The Globus College together with the Institute for Economic Research “Globus” (operating since 26.07.2011 as local NGOs) have a research development plan that is in line with the nature and mission of the institution and the needs of the country’s economic and cultural development and beyond. The plan includes detailed activities in the field of research and support of academic staff for research – scientific work. Globus has an established reputation in organizing annual international conferences in the area of internationalization of businesses and regional and European integration. University staff and research students are largely linked to these centers and conferences. We believe that Multi-Disciplinary Focus broadens the business management perspectives of students, programs, and industry.


  1. Community

The community contribution of the mission of Globus College consists in providing professional skills in accordance with the standards and requirements of the local and international market.


Our task is to ensure a steady supply of successive generations of management executives for our businesses and for our society and to aspire a qualitatively high level of education and research. We will value creativity and innovation in the pursuit of excellence. We will be accessible and flexible to deliver a high-quality student experience to the widest possible range of students: to build confidence, enhance learning, and create opportunity. We will value the skill and expertise of our staff and will support and reward their contribution to our success. We will value responsiveness and will be demand-led and customer-focused. We will value partnership and will form strong and enduring collaborations where we can achieve more by working with others than we can alone.

Strategic objectives

To realize its vision and mission, Globus College has set a series of strategic objectives for the following four-year period. The planning team has set a strategic objective for each area of ​​intervention. The following are the strategic objectives of this Development Plan:

  • Establish efficient management and administration in support of the study and research processes;
  • Provide increased support for transparent and participatory procedures of quality assurance;
  • Provide student support services that provide optimal work conditions and study to improve performance;
  • To support research projects of staff and students in the function of Increasing the relevance of studies;
  • Strengthening Cooperation and partnerships.